#2 Ted Talk
Topic:Don't eat the marshmallow
Speaker's name:Joachim de Posada
Duration:6 minutes
3 words/phrases I learn
gratification 滿足
pleasure or satisfaction, or something which provides this.
example:The children who were best at delaying gratification had better academic and social skills.
equivalent 相等的
having the same amount, value, purpose, qualities, etc.
example:This bag holds an equivalent amount, although the shape makes it look smaller.
reproduce 複製
to produce a copy of something, or to be copied in a production process.
to show or do something again.
example:Even if I wanted to I could't reproduce the same performance night after night.
I thoughts on the talk
After I watched this video, I know the reason why I don't have success.The most important ingredient that I am lack of is patience. To me, I prefer to have a relaxed life rather than endure the challenge.So if I want to have a successful life, all I need to learn is being patient.Hope this change will improve my life and make me become a successful human.
Speaker's name:Joachim de Posada
Duration:6 minutes
3 words/phrases I learn
gratification 滿足
pleasure or satisfaction, or something which provides this.
example:The children who were best at delaying gratification had better academic and social skills.
equivalent 相等的
having the same amount, value, purpose, qualities, etc.
example:This bag holds an equivalent amount, although the shape makes it look smaller.
reproduce 複製
to produce a copy of something, or to be copied in a production process.
to show or do something again.
example:Even if I wanted to I could't reproduce the same performance night after night.
I thoughts on the talk
After I watched this video, I know the reason why I don't have success.The most important ingredient that I am lack of is patience. To me, I prefer to have a relaxed life rather than endure the challenge.So if I want to have a successful life, all I need to learn is being patient.Hope this change will improve my life and make me become a successful human.
Just keep the two things in mind, that will help a lot: delayed gratification and discipline.